These pictures are out of order. But, I can't figure out how to undo this. Beautiful inlaid wood.

Inside the sacristy. Off limits to people, but our friend took us in.

Chiesa Madre where my parents were married.

This church is the largest in San Fili, but one has to climb a lot of steps, so the elderly don't attend this one much.

October 15, 2015
I wanted to see the church my parents were married in, Santa Maria Magore (Chiesa Madre), but it was closed. Federico was able to get a key from someone (only in a small town would this happen). As we entered, a young man followed and asked if we were interested in going to to the bell tower. This is a 14th century church, that is being partially restored.

Streets of San Fili

Maria Luisa Palermo is my mother's cousin. She has always been very hospitable to me. Her brothers, (5 of them) through the years have restored their parents home in which they all lived in.

The man on the right, is one of my father's buddies.

This rose came from my grandmother Rosina's house. Maria Luisa tenderly takes care of it. It's a very old plant

We both made it.

Entering the bell tower. There is rock falling around us and Federico didn't want us to continue. Not me, I wanted to go all the way to the top.

Up and up I went with Federico following me against his will.