Sunday, 12 October 2014

Catching Up - Lori Ellis Passing

Sunday, October 12

This week I bought a new lap top. I felt with Pathway and teaching Institute I really needed one. Even keeping up with this blog has been tough, because I always have to stay late after working at the office. So now hopefully I can update and write on a more regular basis.

So I'm going to do some catching up.

I last posted about my Sorrento and Capri trip. Unfortunatly on the same day I got to Sorrento I got the very sad news that Lori Lyn Ellis died. Early Saturday morning, (late Friday Alberta time)Jo texted me to call her because she had some sad news. I immediately called her had she broke down and gave me the news. I couldn't believe what she was telling me. Oh, my heart just ached for her and Randy. Lately there have been things happening at home that I wish I were there to help. This was one of those moments I wish I could be there. How I would of liked to be there for Jo just like she was for me for days after Steve died. I wanted so very much to give her my shoulder to cry on. Thank goodness for good friends who called me and said they would be my hands. I'm grateful for Catherine, Heather, Linda and others for being those hands.
Lori Lyn Ellis

Where the green carpet in the background is where Lori was layed to rest.

Cashton, Jo-Anne and dad are sitting on the bench we got on Steve's one year anniversary of his passing. It has a plaque that reads, "Save us a seat". He is buried in front of it.

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