Monday, 30 March 2015


Bocca della Verita

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When we entered Santa Sabina Church these two were practing for a performance scheduled for the next day. They played a beautiful arrangement of Ave Maria. The man at the piano is Cardianl Lorenzo Baldissei.

I love these "cinque cento" cars

On Aventine Hill is the Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta. It is bordered by a high wall. There is a famous wooden door that draws attraction to visitors. When you look the the keyhole, you can see St. Peter's dome, which seems like it's just beyond the door, when in fact it is quite far. 
Originally it was the site of a Palace belonging to Alberico 11. In the Twelfth Century, it passed into the hands of the Knights Templar, the famous warrior monks who in 1312, were violently supressed by Pope ClementV. 
In the second half of the 1400's, Pope Paul 11 granted the monastery to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
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Long line up to see through the key hole, but well worth it.

Key hole in the Piazza of the Knight of Malta. When looking through the key hole you view 3 nations, Malta, Italy and the Vatican City.

Ancient Basilica of Santa Sabina, Rome
Basilica of Santa Sabina

Founded in the 5th Century. Built on the house of Sabina, a Roman who later named a sanit. Inside there is a carved door made from Cypres with 24 panels depicting bibical scenes. This door was carved in 430-432. One of the panels contains one of the oldest depiction of the crusifixtion of Jesus.

Left, shows close up of one of the panels.

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After wards we walked around. Great veiw from here.

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