Friday, 11 July 2014

From Home

On Father's Day Jeffrey sent me this picture.

Steve and I always planned on serving a mission. This is why I'm here. I am fulfilling the goal we made years ago.
After Steve died, my mother gave me a beautiful gold locket to  put his picture in. I brought the locket with me. A month before he died we vacationed in Italy. He loved it here.  Now when I wear the locket and walk  by some of the places we visited together,  I get a feeling that he is near and is happy I'm going ahead with the plans we made.

Hyrum in Ogden, Utah

People can be so kind. For instance, the picture of Hyrum was sent to me via email by a stranger who just saw Elder (Hyrum) Sutton walking the streets with his companion. This person went up to them, gave them a box of cookies, took their picture and sent it to me because they thought it would make me smile. Man did it ever! How very kind  and thoughtful of this person. I have to remember to do things like that. It's usually those little things we do in life that can make a persons day.

 For those not of our faith, I'm sure you've met or seen these young missionaries in your neighborhood. Most of the time people treat them with kindness and respect if they don't won't to hear their message. But there are times they come across some slammed doors and thugs who hit and steal from them. Most of these missionaries have earned their own money to support themselves for two years as they go out to all different parts of the world preaching the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I admire them. Having a son on a mission and being surrounded by them every day, I always pray for their well being and protection. If you want to know about what they do or want to know about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, let me know or visit Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

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